History An Illustrated History of Billy 1993 includes the Billy Sculpture Series and Icon Billy 1994 includes the Life Size Billy Series, Media and the Billy Blow-Up Postcards 1995 includes the Four Icon Billies, Master and Slave Billy and Six Billies 1996 includes the Two Naked Billies, the Billy Drawing Series and Untitled 1997 includes the First Billy Series, Billyworld, Safesex Billy and Tuxedo Billy 1998 – 1 includes Vacation and New York Carlos, Billy Opens His Closet and Billy Pop Soda 1998 – 2 includes Out and About With Billy, Billy Cop and Wall Street Billy 1999 – 1 includes Cop Carlos, Wrestler Billy, Baseball Carlos and the Drag Billy Series 1999 – 2 includes Fireman Billy and Carlos, Army Tyson, Leather Tyson and Tattoo Billy 2000 includes Passing, Jeffrey´s Hollywood Screen Trick and Billy 2000 – Billy Goes To Hollywood 2001 includes the Billy Photographic Exhibition, the Portrait Series and Big Fun With Billy 2002 includes BPS Billy, Carlos and Tyson 2003 includes 16 Feet Billy, 16 Feet Billy Exhibition and Media